Continuity Errors: Every Way Archie Sonic Reboot Contradicted the Preboot’s Canon:

  Archie Sonic Contradictions: 5.

1: In the reboot, we’re told by Orbot that Eggman flew his Eggmobile into a portal of white light when he didn’t, he and Sonic stood there in Worlds Collide and the white light expanded towards them and they closed their eyes. So this isn’t even referencing a version of Worlds Collide we know.

2: In a flashback panel where we see King Acorn from Archie Sonic and the reboot’s past, it showed the “ Archie Sonic “ King Acorn looking wrong, as he doesn’t have white facial hair. It’s like he still looks like the redesigned King Acorn. No way that’s the Prime Zone king.

3: Now this might be more my vague memory of Flynn’s preboot writing, or probably Blaze just not being nearly clear enough with her dialogue in the preboot. In Archie, we were told that Blaze’s world would eventually die because the Sol Emeralds weren’t on its planet. Suddenly after the reboot, Blaze is still worried about this even though she’s found all the Sol Emeralds by now and so they’re all together on this planet, because the last Sol Emerald she needs to find, after searching “ this world and others “ is ON her world, so why does she still think it’ll be destroyed from the first issue of her arc just because it’s not with her? In the reboot, she’s talking as if the world would be destroyed if she didn’t personally retrieve the Sol Emerald even though it’s back on her planet. Now all of a sudden, it’s like the world’s imminent destruction is going to be the result of the Emerald not being retrieved by her, like it’ll destroy the world from a tantrum at being apart from HER specifically for too long, as opposed to it being about which planet the Emerald is on. Has this always been the rule in the preboot?

 It was never clearly stated that having a few Emeralds on her planet was fine. But if that was the case, Blaze shouldn’t have been worried about her planet being destroyed without the Sol Emerald in Treasure Team Tango then because she could’ve just gotten one Sol Emerald during her adventures and brought it home, and not have to worry about the planet’s destruction for the rest of her Sol Emerald hunting because it’s no longer like none of the Emeralds are on her planet. She would’ve put the Sol Emerald she had with her at the start of Treasure Team Tango back on her world to make sure it wouldn’t be destroyed, keeping it in a safe place. So she would’ve not told Shadow about that potential problem because it wouldn’t matter THAT MUCH that she doesn’t have it yet. Maybe she was just too stupid to think to do that, there’s been a lot of moments like that in Archie.

4: In the reboot, we’re supposed to believe it makes sense that Bunnie took a long time learning how to walk again after she had her limbs replaced with cybernetic ones, even though she already knew how to walk, and if they’re in a world advanced enough to have cybernetics, they would’ve gone past this stupid problem. And Archie clearly established that Bunnie could walk around perfectly fine right after being half-roboticized. Her not being able to move well would make as much sense as some new Robian being unable to move well because they’d take a while to adjust to a new body! You can’t explain this away as the Genesis Wave because how could and why would it alter a rule like this? So that’s another way the two continuities are incompatible.

  What’s worse, real life is already showing cybernetic arms and legs can be built for people that are SO accurate, that they have a sense of touch and people can hold eggs without squeezing them. I’m pretty SURE in an even more futuristic world, Bunnie wouldn’t have a hard time adjusting to new robot limbs, when even in our world, people’s new robot limbs don’t require ANY adjusting. More conservative estimates say that we won’t have true human AI until 2100, so Mobius is like 80 years more advanced than ours.

5: At the start of Worlds Unite, the reason the Zeti can’t just control Sigma immediately is supposed to be that they can’t control his WILL because he’s a free-willed AI. Excuse me, why was the Iron Queen immediately able to control Nicole, a free-willed AI?! They have the same power! They’re both able to control machinery with electromagic. They dedicated an entire arc to showing off how dangerous an electromage is against anything and anyone technology, and then Sigma doesn’t get controlled by 6 ELECTROMAGES at once. Sheesh, you’d think they’d all combine their power against him and, not to mention they had armor that enhanced their power at that point. Not only could they combine their power to control something that’d be six times harder to control than a regular robot, but they were literally at their most powerful at that point!

6: Wily says that he used the processor for the Quick Man robot to handle the roboticized Sonic. But, he didn’t need to do that. Eggman roboticized Sonic in Issue 39 just fine without needing to borrow another robot’s processor. And yet Eggman doesn’t tell Wily this.

7: Somehow reality is too messed up for Chaos Control from SUPER FORMS to work anymore to fix it even though that wasn’t the case in Worlds Collide where the Super Genesis Wave was activating, and therefore also kinda messing up reality. If he can recreate all of reality with Chaos Control, he can close a bunch of goddamn portals. Silver can close portals WITHOUT a Super form, in his arc.

So is the reboot even canon anymore to the preboot? Because with THESE errors, it’s probably just a DIFFERENT UNIVERSE. If you ignore all this and pretend the reboot is still the Prime universe, it could be possible that after the reboot’s final story, Eggman reverted the world back to where the preboot left off with the Genesis Wave, because come on, he could make it again. So the reboot could still be canon, it just doesn’t have to be a PERMANENT DESTRUCTION of what came before it. Archie Sonic Online could always confirm that, saying that the reboot is a prequel to its preboot issues.

Flynn’s Exact Misremembering of Archie Sonic based on his continuity errors

There’s over 83 of them.

This is about trying to find the retcons in Flynn’s continuity errors. Continuity errors are unintentional retcons at worst. Here, I’ll take the implications of those contradictions to the logical conclusion and try to figure out how they’d retcon the past of Archie Sonic if they were meant to be retcons. It’d take forever to re-explain ALL of Flynn’s continuity errors and retcons again when I already did that in other blog posts. This is just a list of how many issues he really contradicted and what exactly the canon past of his work even IS anymore with that many contradictions of the work before him.

Based on House of Cards, we’re supposed to believe Sonic always teased Tails and called him names and never believed him about his adventures, so apparently he wasn’t much better than Fleetway Sonic in his eyes earlier. And in Universe 16, Tails says he hasn’t been a Freedom Fighter for very long, so he thinks Espio has no dirt on him.

That implies that he got acknowledged as a part of the Freedom Fighters WAY LATER in Flynn’s canon despite all his contributions, so either all his contributions are non-canon now or his friends were ignorant jerks who refused to make him a Freedom Fighter because of his age for a ridiculously long time.

Bunnie talks to Sonic in 218 as if he’s been brainwashed a LOT by Eggman into fighting Bunnie, and Sonic calls that a tired scheme. So apparently that happened a lot in Flynn’s canon, but it sure didn’t in the actual comic. He only fought her as Mecha Sonic ONCE. And based on that Free Comic Book Day issue, Knuckles was always throwing Sonic off his island, even though their friendships were clearly better than that in the pre-Flynn comic.

And Sally calls Elias her adventurer brother in House of Cards so now he is when he WASN’T a constant adventurer and was lucky to get very occasional excitement. In fact there was a time where he stayed in a village for months as a lumberjack and said a peaceful life was what he wanted for his family.

And after Sonic and Eggman come to a truce against Enerjak, Sonic lampshades that Eggman always backstabs him when they work together. But he NEVER did that. They NEVER worked together. And in 234, Eggman says that he’s been fighting Sonic’s group for ” ten plus years. ” Huh?

Also, while we’re told in SSS5 and SSS1 that Snively wanted to rule alone for years, Flynn’s work implies that Snively was loyal enough to get Robotnik out of the Zone of Silence willingly for no reason, and Robotnik says he could trust the little runt back then. Even though in SSS5, he’s been waiting to rule alone since Sonic was a child.

1: Issue 160: We start Flynn’s work right AWAY with a massive Series Continuity Error. So that cave with a door on the side of a limestone mountain is supposed to be the old base? That’s their underground base from the old days, when you can walk into it through a door just fine? Eggman would’ve found it 10 years ago! And he finds it in this very issue. It was never a mountain with a door in it which was in a completely separate place from Knothole as a village.

So how did some of the plots of the older stories even go the way they did if the base WASN’T hidden safely underground? This continuity error contradicts basically every issue where the base is firmly established to be under the stump. Like Sonic Miniseries Issue 0 and 2, and Issues 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, etc.

In Sonic Miniseries Issue 0, the reason the heroes went out of their base to the forest was because the trees were crying because a few of them were cut down, and Antoine was worried about trickle-down technology finding their base because of it. So how would the heroes have known to exit their base and encounter Eggman for the whole plot resolution, if their base was all the way away from the forest and Knothole and above ground?

The only way that plot happening could’ve made sense then is if Rotor had cameras that spotted those specific trees being cut down and the willow trees crying about it, but those would have to be some VERY conveniently placed cameras! Which would’ve been destroyed by Eggman’s robot along WITH the trees. If he just sent a FLYING camera, maybe that would’ve helped, but he had no reason to, and either way this is a huge contradiction to the entire beginning of the plot that requires quite a rewrite.

Sonic Miniseries Issue 2: Back then, Knothole itself was considered to be underground. Go figure, that would’ve actually made SENSE for hiding it from ROBOTNIK! This was before they conformed to SatAM and stopped making sense with Knothole not being found already. So with that in mind Antoine saying to the pig infiltrator robot that now Eggman knows where Knothole is, and the pig saying that it won’t be here much longer, is pretty important.

How could this dialogue take place if Robotnik didn’t know where their base was? Eggman would know where their base was already if it was out in the open in some obvious mountainside where anyone could see the door on it!

In fact the whole reason that base was made by Elias was to have a focal point to attract Eggman. And here we see how stupid that idea is because Eggman should’ve just sent a robot like this with a bomb in it to that base in the middle of the night and blown their entire headquarters up. That’s why we can’t have Eggman know where the heroes’ base is. Of course this whole issue is non-canon anyways because of the Freedom Emeralds being forgotten an issue later, but this is just here to further illustrate my point about what kind of base the heroes really had back then.

Was the mountain with the door supposed to be on the bottom of a hill? And when Sally went down to enter her base to escape Fang, she could go down to enter the base because she was on top of that hill? So that’s supposed to mean her base in 160 is underground but there WAS NO HILL that the Knothole base could be underneath in the earliest issues in the first place. My point still stands that it’s not the old base. If there was a hill in the Great Forest wouldn’t it tower over the forest and thus be easier for Robotnik to see? No indication of the area around the stump being elevated at all.

Issue 1: Antoine left the base to go get a flower for Sally and immediately got entangled by the vine Krudzu robot. Which was specifically stated to have been planted in the Great Forest, not in a base so far away from it that Snively had to attack it separate from the forest which Eggman destroyed himself. Antoine wouldn’t have gotten entangled by that vine robot in that plot, and alerted the heroes to the existence of the Krudzu in the first place, if their base wasn’t where it was.

It would be more convenient for them to keep an eye on the forest properly if they were living in it. Even if the heroes had seen the Krudzu on camera footage of the forest, they might not have thought to recognize the Krudzu as anything suspicious and out of the ordinary because it still looked like a plant until it had someone around it to threaten. So THE WHOLE PLOT wouldn’t have HAPPENED! We wouldn’t have Tails watering the remains of a Krudzu plant and revealing its weakness because Antoine wouldn’t have had it get brought into the base.

In Two-Timer, in Issue 2, we get reminded that Sonic’s base is in fact underground. Sonic says he can clean up the litter from yesterday’s Freedom Fighter parade, and he does so while clearly still underground. If they had a parade UNDERGROUND, then it has to be that at best all of Knothole is underground or at worst the base is.

Issue 3: The base is clearly underground. Rotor even comments on the rumbling because the Burrobot is tearing up the forest ABOVE THEM. Them being below the forest was how Antoine found out about the Burrobot giant and told his friends about it so fast. Apparently according to Flynn they found out with cameras and microphones from a cave instead?

Issue 5: We see another reminder that the base is in the Great Forest. Sonic goes to talk to his friends there and we see a panel in the forest and the words, ” No way, Sonic! “ above some trees before seeing them talk in their underground base. And in the second main story, we get reminded that a stump is the secret entrance to Knothole Village, by a literal box-shaped arrow, and that stump is clearly in the Great Forest, and then we immediately proceed to see the Freedom Fighters, who were implied to be in that forest.

The most damning evidence is that Sally literally says that if the robot keeps eating the wood, they’ll have no more forest left to hide in, after Sonic is worried that the robot will escape their base into the Great Forest and start eating the trees there. They wouldn’t have said all of that if their base wasn’t underground and in the forest. That entire panel wouldn’t have happened to increase the tension.

Neither would Robotnik’s panel later that reveals that his plan was to have the robot devour the whole forest, which wouldn’t have been expected to happen if the heroes’ base wasn’t in the forest. And Sonic goes through the Great Oak Slide to escape the base and get a log that can help beat the robot when combined with thick pancake batter to seal its mouth shut. Though Sonic could’ve ran so fast that he could’ve reached the forest in time anyways even if his base wasn’t in the forest.

And the whole conflict of the second main plot happens because Sally immediately got kidnapped by a tree robot the second that Thorny went missing from the heroes’ base and that wouldn’t have happened at all if their base wasn’t in the Great Forest.

She wouldn’t have GONE to the forest with Sonic to look for Thorny because she wanted to get rid of him in the first place, so she wouldn’t have gotten kidnapped, and thus been thankful when Thorny rescued her. The plot would’ve either not happened according to Flynn or been forced with Sally going to the woods with Sonic for no reason just to get kidnapped.

Issue 9 definitely meant to have the base be underground because we see Pseudo go into it through a stump in the Great Forest.

Sonic Super Special 5: The old base from the first issue is discovered here when Sonic was a kid and it’s clearly UNDERGROUND, below a stump. Flynn would have you believe the base is in a mountain you open a door to get into that’s separate from the Great Forest entirely. But this story says the heroes had discovered this place because Tails landed on a stump on unstable ground and fell through.

If this was Flynn writing it, it would’ve been much more risky for ALL of the FFs as kids to go ALL THE WAY outside of the Great Forest where they were hiding from Robotnik as kids, with no adult supervision, just to find that cave where Freedom HQ is.

Issue 65: Another clear reference to the fact that the heroes’ base is supposed to be underground because Nate discovered it by accident near a stump. He didn’t go into a cave in the side of a mountain apart from the forest.

2: Issue 2: Sonic says in Issue 188 that he beat Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts when he was 8, but they were clearly sent after Sonic for the first time in Issue 2. Apparently he was 8 in that issue then. Tails is 7 years younger than Sonic. 15 – 7 = 8. So when Sonic was 8 years old, Tails was, get this, 1 year old. Obviously that’s not how the story was. If you were being generous with the age difference, Tails would’ve been 3 years old. Either that, or Issue 2’s first story is apparently now completely non-canon, or taking place in a separate dimension entirely.

3: Issue 4’s The story ” Lizard of Odd ” was contradicted in 189 because the heroes just casually start calling the Zone of Silence the Special Zone for no logical reason when they already had a Special Zone in Lizard of Odd. So according to Flynn’s canon, that zone never existed.

To be fair, Sonic didn’t really need to go Super with the Emeralds in that story, because if all he needed was to use a shrink ray, then he would’ve just done that just fine without going Super. So that doesn’t cause too many problems. But it still retcons a lot of panels in the story and pretends Sonic was never Super in any of them. And the base is underground there too. Sonic first spots the giant lizard robot after getting out of the stump.

4: Issue 11: Every single issue where Scourge showed up was contradicted when Scourge says much later, ” you used to know me as the Anti-Sonic, ” when they always called him Evil Sonic, and in Issue 189 characters call their twins Anti like that was normal with them not being called out on the name change. So this would include issues like 11, 19, 24, 44, Sonic Super Special 10, 150, 151, and that one issue where Antoine karate-chopped Scourge.

5: Issue 16’s James Bond parody story is definitely retconned, Sally doesn’t remember it at all because she doesn’t remember going to Casino Night Zone.

6: In Your Face: Flynn apparently didn’t want there to be a happy future for Archie. That’s why he made Silver’s depressing future the default future that he has to prevent where the Freedom Fighters would’ve died before they could ever RECREATE NICOLE as adults and send her back in time. And that’s why he made the king a cripple who’s depressed and shuts out everyone and barely talks. He wasn’t like that in the future in this issue. Sally’s children ” have a grandfather. ” But now we’re supposed to just ignore this panel!

And if it’s true that Flynn tried to say that Nicole is now from a never-named-in-canon Light Mobius all along, that’s another retcon, because this issue clearly insinuated that it was the actual future version of the Prime Sally who sent Nicole back in time. ” She was a gift to myself, from myself. ” And she said that she NOW understands Julayla’s letter in the FUTURE, so they’re the same Sally. Not according to Flynn! How does it make sense that the Anarchy Beryl Bomb was sent to another world called Light Mobius instead of Mobius Prime?!

Scourge’s beef is with Mobius Prime, not Light Mobius! Boomer would know which world he sent it to, he’d see the name of it on his machine or device, and no hero would use an interdimensional portal to send that bomb to another place with people instead of sending it to a place without people. So how could it not be the future of Mobius Prime?

7: Issue 29: The main story couldn’t have happened according to Flynn because if anyone could make a portable deroboticizer, the heroes would’ve used those against Mecha Sally. Nicole can make stuff instantly according to Rotor’s designs, so she would’ve made tons of these things for the heroes. So that story must have been RETCONNED.

8: Tails Miniseries Issue 3: Apparently according to Flynn’s work, Shadow was being mentioned as part of the Great Harmony prophecy all along as he’ll be equally as vital to making it happen as Tails, even though of course the prophecy always implied Tails alone would become able to bring the Emeralds together.

Also, we’re supposed to believe that Tails had the comic he made with him when he left in the Sea Fox even though it was in the crater last time we saw it and he went into the Sea Fox without returning to the crater. Apparently that’s retconned now since Espio knows about the comic he made. So he went back to the crater before leaving Downunda to get his comic.

9: Issue 36: If Flynn’s work is to be believed, it couldn’t have been that the portal to the Zone of Silence was a black hole trying to suck Robotnik into it, because then why did he go into it and ” have many merry adventures ” with Ixis in Flynn’s work? He never wanted to go in there again, in fact he WANTED to have the Zone of Silence DESTROYED in 36 and his experiments on it were affecting its quantum level and making time in it all screwy.

But a big focus of this plot here is that Robotnik was trying to destroy the Zone of Silence because of its expanding portal black hole nature and Sonic destroying the photon cannon he used to ” thwart its advances ” was a problem for him. So was that all just retconned?

10: Issue 39 and Sonic Triple Trouble: If Fang can escape a cell just by squeezing between the bars, the only way him not escaping instantly and instead taking until Issue 39 to escape makes sense, is if according to Flynn, Sonic Triple Trouble’s adaptation took place RIGHT BEFORE Issue 39. 21 ISSUES passed between those two issues! Including two miniseries. Though the comic was kinda episodic back then, so it would make just as much sense for Knuckles to have knocked out Fang a day or so before Issue 39 actually happened.

11: Mecha Madness’ Mammoth Mogul story was contradicted because some Albion knights got introduced as being the ones who beat him offscreen.

12: Issue 43: Flynn made up that the king always relied on a Court of Acorns out of nowhere that were never referenced in Tales of the Great War. So how did more than one person approve of the idea to dismantle the Acorn military? That’s something only a dictator could do because most people would think it was a terrible idea.

13: Sonic Live: This had Merlin’s first appearance. He never said any words to make a spell originally. Apparently according to Flynn’s work, Merlin HAS to say words to cast spells, so how did Knuckles not hear him when he was casting spells to create illusions in the cabin they both were in?

14: Sonic Super Special 1 again: In the Antoine solo story of this issue, Flynn’s memory of the comic couldn’t have it be canon that Antoine used a Ring to power up his sword because Bunnie says later that Rings don’t work for Antoine as well.

15: Issue 50: The healing stasis tube that brought Sally out of the coma and healed her fall injuries couldn’t have existed in Flynn’s canon because it would’ve been made to heal Antoine from the coma no problem. So, did Sally just recover without it? It’d take a long time for her to recover from a fall like that and yet she’s fine in Issue 51. Sonic must have wished on a Ring.

16: Sonic Super Special 2: We’re supposed to pretend that The Devil’s Gulag never existed, because the heroes in the Iron Dominion arc never consider bringing Eggman THERE and instead take the risk of putting him in their OWN CITY. The only way that could make sense at all is if all the scenes with the Devil’s Gulag never existed and the bad guys were all held in a prison in Mobotropolis itself instead of Devil’s Island. So they never escaped in an airship and the king was never told they died when they didn’t.

How could they have escaped prison and gotten so far away from it so easily if they escaped from a prison without an airship for a quick getaway? Maybe the Gulag did exist for Flynn but we’re supposed to just assume it got DESTROYED FOR NO REASON, at some point recent to Issue 200 because come on, it would’ve been rebuilt.

17: Knuckles Comic Issue 5: Echidnapolis has a force field and that’s how it kept radiation out. APPARENTLY its force field generator was destroyed and somehow never rebuilt while the dingoes were running the city. Even though they would’ve loved having it back. The echidnas never thought to use a force field to keep the dingoes out, so they must have somehow lost their generator before the city was taken over. Why didn’t the echidnas send the dingoes to another dimension AGAIN? Like was stated they did in this issue?

Did they not have the technology ANYMORE? HOW? Even if it was ruined by Eggman’s forces, they’d have rebuilt it for Eggman’s sake. This force field generator has to exist or else the echidnas would’ve all been nuked before Knuckles could be born, and the dimensional teleporter has to have existed for the same reason.

19: Issue 53: Supposedly Geoffrey made that probe release Ixis, apparently. So I have to question why Uma injured his head telling him to shut up if they were on the same side. Everyone around him was distracted fighting, so no one would’ve been watching Geoffrey, so she had no reason to put up an act and potentially kill an ally.

Also, Flynn didn’t have Antoine or Geoffrey mention that it wasn’t Ixis who was freed from the Zone of Silence, as that was impossible, it was just a decoy clone Ixis because the real Ixis was in the king’s body ever since he was crystallizing. This revelation was in Sonic Super Special 4.

And ” King Acorn ” acting so paranoid of Uncle Chuck in Sonic Super Special 2 had ” Ixis was possessing him ” as the only explanation and that issue was BEFORE Issue 53 when ” the real Ixis ” would be released. I guess Geoffrey and Antoine misspoke in 233 then? Because the probe didn’t ” free Naugus ” at all, it freed his minions. Does he think the plot point of the king crystallizing never happened?

20: Issue 55: Khan is redesigned later with no one questioning it. And Geoffrey begs Ixis NOT to order the dismantling of the Robians and gets smacked for it, which obviously would’ve proven to him that Ixis was evil back then. So according to Flynn’s issues, Geoffrey couldn’t have been present in the back-up story of this issue at all.

21: Issue 56: Apparently, Turbo Tails was talking all formally here according to Flynn, because it’s established in Flynn’s work that when he goes Turbo Tails, he talks formally.

22: Sonic Super Special 4 Return of the King: This issue is very confusing in retrospect. As Sally explains, Ixis brainwashed all of the city, with no indication he had a brainwashing chamber underground with an old wizard’s bones. Somehow Geoffrey is later revealed to have always supported Ixis without knowing he was evil, but in this issue, Ixis tried to kill all the Robians, Geoffrey is shown finding out about that in this issue. Obviously he would’ve figured out he was evil way earlier.

And yet when Ixis tries to brainwash the Council of Acorns, this is treated as crossing the line by Geoffrey when Ixis already brainwashed Mobotropolis, and neither of them brings that up. The big problem here though is that Ixis MUST have canonically done what he did in Return of the King because his anti-Robian brainwashing spell is what led to him fleeing for the Ixis Chase, because it’s how he revealed himself to be in the king’s body and that’s how the king got back to normal because Ixis left him.

Did Ixis do something completely different to get the heroes’ attention instead? I couldn’t imagine him doing anything ELSE, because that was the only thing that was FORESHADOWED at all! So apparently according to Flynn’s work, GEOFFREY WAS NOT THERE in Return of the King, somehow NOBODY TOLD HIM about Ixis trying to get all the Robians destroyed, and brainwashing Mobotropolis. And Ixis never brainwashed a city before. So, huh?

23: Issue 57: Geoffrey was in Issue 57, he showed up at Sonic’s going away party before he went to chase Ixis. So why would he be here in support of Sonic leaving to go after Ixis? One, that’d show implicit SUPPORT of Sonic chasing Ixis when nothing forces him to, no one thinks he likes Sonic so he doesn’t have to keep up appearances here, and he did nothing to try to stop him like secretly sabotage Tails’ biplane, and two, if Geoffrey’s here, how could he not have been around for or been told about Ixis’ evil plan recently? Did Flynn retcon it that Geoffrey wasn’t even here in this issue?

24: Issue 58: Flying Frog’s backstory shows an older-than-kid-him scaring non-roboticized Mercians and going in and out of jail and implies that was a regular thing for his life before Mogul. So according to Flynn’s idea of canon, there were never any Robians in Mercia. So, uh, how were there Robians working for Antoine’s sub-boss father? Are they not Robians anymore? ” Get them, my roboticized minions! ” He was a sub-boss THERE, and Robin said he had roboticized his friends. Is that all non-canon now?

Or was there somehow a part of Mercia that didn’t have roboticized people all over the place? Because I would think that the sub-boss of Mercia would be given the technological means to roboticize all of Mercia, like he’d have vehicles to get his robots wherever he’d want. If this was going off actual canon, Flying Frog would’ve been roboticized like the rest of the Mercians.

25: Knuckles Comic Issue 12’s happy ending is mostly the prelude to a miserable ending now, as there’s a consequence from echidnas going to Albion in that story that was never originally intended. Those echidnas wouldn’t have been encouraged for centuries to go to Albion, if it was fated to be destroyed.

26: Issue 60: Apparently in Flynn’s canon, Sonic needed a Ring to unbrainwash Khan here as there was no Ring Wand for Tails to knock over. Deus ex Machinas are so better, right? So the entire plot resolution must have been retconned. Also, Khan couldn’t have had his crown on back then according to Flynn’s canon because supposedly the crown protects him from brainwashing when it never did.

Also, apparently Khan must have been TIRED when brought back to normal from all that time he was being controlled by the queen, and had to go to the hospital afterwards. We never saw that in 60. Iron Queen’s design retcon counts too.

27: Issue 61: Valdez’s entire backstory gets retconned later. He was from the Far East all along! Apparently he WASN’T once a secret service agent for King Acorn! Geoffrey just stumbled into him on Angel Island by accident and recruited him for no reason!

28: Issue 66: Later on we learn that Ixis can exaggerate the fear in people and sense fear. So logically he must have used that fear power against Sonic when he fought him, according to Flynn. He would’ve taunted him because he’d know he was intimidated by him. If Ultra Sonic can seal Ixis away, he would’ve done it RIGHT AWAY and avoided the entire action scene. So Nate wouldn’t have gotten any credit for fighting Ixis, so, uh, what did Sonic say in his defense when he came back to Mobotropolis to get everyone okay with him right away?

29: Sonic Super Special 8: I guess in Flynn’s canon, it was the Bride of Rich Nights going against Khan and not this bat guy who was merely a replacement for her later on. Because why would that single clan of ninjas be ordered around by someone who wasn’t their leader? Khan’s redesign later retcons how he looks here, and Flynn randomly changes the No Zone’s name to Parallel Zone later, so that ignores how this issue called it.

30: Issue 73: Nicole goes to sleep mode. Not anymore! According to Flynn, there’s no way she could go to sleep every night or she wouldn’t have caught Tails trying to break Amadeus out of prison. So, Sally would’ve been required to take Nicole out of the room outright to have some time alone with Elias.

31: Knuckles Comic Issue 26: Espio couldn’t have casually suggested Charmy could’ve renounced his family heritage. It would’ve been someone else. Also, all of the side-story arc is confusing in retrospect since Mighty was supposedly always from Mercia, so how was Mighty with Fiona, Ray, and SONIC who comes from Knothole, in a slave camp? If they all come from different continents, how did Eggman capture them all together, why did he think to go all over the world to go find them in particular? I guess they were ALL in Mercia for no reason, and Sonic magically found out he had to go there to save them!

32: Sonic Super Special 11: Elias saw Sally go into the Source of All and talked to her in it. And yet later on he has to be told what it and its artifacts are. Apparently according to Flynn, Elias was never a part of this story. Also, Future Sally apparently never talked to Sally, even though that convinced her to refuse the Source of All and that made it clingy and made her give away the Sword, causing the arc where Ixis was freed to even happen!

How could a version of her who fused with the Source in the future ever exist to talk to her if the Source was destroyed in the future before Sally could fuse with it? She’s supposed to be Future Prime Sally, why would the Source summon another universe future Sally to talk to an unrelated one, when it wouldn’t know about other universes?

ALSO, we clearly see in this issue that the Dark Legion people DO have weddings. Apparently Julie’s father never DID have a wedding, all along, or Julie was never told about it by her adoptive parents somehow.

33: Issue 78: Geoffrey couldn’t have actually shook Sonic’s hand and said he earned his respect according to Flynn because he would’ve been congratulating him for going up to a satellite and guaranteeing that Mobotropolis would be taken over by Eggman, when Geoffrey supposedly wanted that city kept around so Ixis could take it over. You’d think he’d be much more upset and resentful at losing Mobotropolis, more than anyone else because it put his plan on the backburner.

34: Issue 79: I never saw Mammoth Mogul wound the Walkers with the ” LAST ” of his strength after he was freed from the Master Emerald. Flynn apparently thinks he DID, instead of simply going, ” F-Free? ” And then a long time later, making a simulacrum of Tails to siphon magic from the real one with the strength he clearly still has. That was retconned.

35: Issue 82: Tikal apparently never did tell Knuckles about how there was a second Albion colony and it was hers, because Knuckles totally forgets about it in Sonic Universe and is confused. So Knuckles’ entire story must have been retconned here.

36: Issue 84: Locke couldn’t have told Knuckles about the Knuckles Clan according to Flynn because Knuckles says there was only one Albion colony and it became Echidnapolis in Sonic Universe. And he’s confused by pyramids.

37: Issue 86’s back-up story has Khan using lightning without his Ring crown, when we’re expected to believe in the Mecha Sally Arc that Khan needs the crown for his advanced powers. But Khan in this story was sent against a tank right away with no Ring crown, implying that he was meant to be capable of throwing lightning without it, and it was him threatening Eggman with those powers that caused him to decide to put him in that vault in the first place. I guess according to Flynn, Khan NEVER used lightning at all in 86.

38: In Issue 87’s backup story, Eggman takes it upon himself to roboticize a village in the East and it’s not left to his supposed sub-boss there. So apparently as far as Flynn’s work was concerned, it was the Iron King and Queen who was trying to roboticize instead of Eggman in 87. Which would mean that Issue 92 couldn’t have had Khan go to encounter Sonic because he would’ve wanted revenge against the Iron King and Queen, not Eggman, so he wouldn’t have gone to Robotropolis. But the Overlanders would’ve all gone and trusted Eggman anyways because he’s a human.

And all of the ending panels of the main story were apparently retconned away because even though Sonic was acknowledging that Shard turned good and Tails wished he could save him from the volcano, the next time Sonic sees Shard, all of the heroes act like assholes and try to kill him unprovoked as if he’s still their enemy!

39: Issue 89: The neutralizer used against Antoine’s father couldn’t have existed according to Flynn’s work or the heroes would’ve used that against Mecha Sally. So, I guess according to Flynn, what really happened was that Antoine’s father was kept deactivated as if he was in a coma until Sally could help him? He was just kept knocked out the whole time without him running out of power and dying? Why did he need to be guarded when he was in a cell in Issue 100, then? So he wasn’t?

40: Issue 92: Khan couldn’t have shown up to Sonic as far as Flynn’s writing goes because if the Iron Queen was Eggman’s sub-boss, it would’ve been left to her to roboticize his village, for convenience for Eggman, so he wouldn’t have gone to Robotropolis to get revenge and fought Sonic. Also Khan’s design is retconned later.

41: Issue 93: We’re told that supposedly Geoffrey was intentionally undermining the royal family manipulating Elias, when in Heart to Heart Geoffrey confides in Hershey when he doesn’t have to because he’s clearly full of shame that he did it to prove he could be as capable as Sonic. Also, Elias calls Sonic a gentleman-of-arms in Issue 159. You’d think that this would be the LATEST that he would’ve given Sonic back his knighthood.

And at the earliest he would’ve gotten it back when his sentencing to stay in Knothole was overturned, presumably when Elias ran away. And yet it takes until 162 for Sonic to be knighted again. For this to make sense, Sonic would’ve had to have lost his knighthood much later in the comic for a different reason.

Originally he had lost his knighthood in the first place for losing the Sword of Acorns, which was all the way back in Issue 92. And Issue 94 is firmly established to be taking place during the Chaos Knuckles arc because Athair whisks Tails away from school to fight Chaos Knuckles. And 94 has Sonic be confined to Knothole.

42: Sonic Super Special Issue 14: Espio apparently WASN’T in the Twilight Cage with the rest of the Chaotix anymore because supposedly he was there in Issue 97 to see Sonic dress up as The Sneak.

43: Sonic Super Special 15 Naugus Games was retconned and recreated to make less sense.

44: Issue 94’s backup story (there’s a consequence from that story that was never originally intended)

45: Issue 95: Snively’s father was in Flynn’s memory cold to him when he saw him instead of hugging him, or else he would’ve told Hope they were related. Also, the only way that Uma’s kids being honor bound to serve Ixis would make sense is if Uma laid her eggs while she was still working for Ixis, ALL THE WAY BACK in issue 53, meaning she would’ve separated herself from her group discretely without being seen and hidden the eggs somehow in, uh, the lab with the Zone of Silence portal.

Because she was separated from Ixis permanently right after her first appearance in 53, because she was crystallized and her statue was brought to prison. It stayed in that prison until Snively escaped it and brought her statue with him.

Super Sonic Special Return of the King was BEFORE Snively escaped prison WITH Uma and Kodos’ statues. They had to have been brought with Snively or they wouldn’t have had a reason to MEET him and team up with him. Apparently, according to Flynn’s work, that statue thievery never happened and Ixis broke her out of prison and uncrystallized her just to do nothing with her we know of, so she could lay eggs that would be honor bound to serve Ixis, and then Kodos would learn where she was and call her to tell her to join Snively’s gang with him.

But even then, there’s still something confusing; the Sword of Acorns couldn’t have had the power to let people see the future in Flynn’s work because it would’ve warned Sally that the spider-kids she was giving it to would give it to Ixis later.

46: and Issue 97: Apparently, Turbo Tails was talking all formally here according to Flynn, when he wasn’t, because it’s established in Flynn’s work that when he goes Turbo Tails, he talks formally.

47: Issue 98: It must be retconned so that Eggman was holding the book with the disc of Gerald’s diary in it more carefully so the disc wouldn’t have fallen out of it. If he actually had held it up like a book in front of his face, the disc would’ve fallen and broken Gerald’s journal.

And we’re apparently supposed to just take it at face value that a psychopath like Archie Eggman made a copy of Gerald’s diary from sentimentality and hid it somewhere outside of Robotropolis so it wouldn’t end up nuked with it, and he brought that copy to his new city. Because he’s just THAT crazy prepared that he thought his city would be destroyed!

48: Issue 100: Why did Antoine’s father need to be supervised by Antoine when he was in a cell? The neutralizer used against Antoine’s father couldn’t have existed according to Flynn’s work or the heroes would’ve used that against Mecha Sally. So, I guess according to Flynn, what really happened was that Antoine’s father was kept deactivated as if he was in a coma until Sally could help him? He was just kept knocked out the whole time without him running out of power and dying?

49: Issue 107 shows Espio with the Chaotix right after they were released from the Twilight Cage but apparently we have to ignore that, because supposedly he was there in Issue 97 during the Chaos Knuckles arc to see Sonic dress up as The Sneak.

50: Issue 110: The Sword of Acorns couldn’t have had the power to let people see the future in Flynn’s work because it would’ve warned Sally that the spider-kids she was giving it to would give it to Ixis later. So this whole back-up story couldn’t have happened. Even though it’s a big part of the excuse for why Sally stupidly gave up the Sword. But according to Flynn, how could it have happened? So she now just gave up the Sword from arrogance because she thought she was too good for it and didn’t need it, I guess.

51: Issue 111: The Sword of Acorns couldn’t have had the power to let people see the future in Flynn’s work because it would’ve warned Sally that the spider-kids she was giving it to would give it to Ixis later in THIS issue, and yet it didn’t.

So for this to make sense, Flynn’s canon must have it that Sally DIDN’T get a vision of the future and thus the castle and Knothole DIDN’T have guards around in a pointless attempt at trying to prevent the spider kids from breaking into the castle. Why did she give up the Sword, then? Well, maybe she also hated floating with no eyeballs and being forced to destroy Kodos with it, it made her feel less human.

52: Issue 118 (supposedly Geoffrey was lying about why he had manipulated Elias but he didn’t even have to tell Hershey he did at all)

53: Issue 119 clearly has Future Rotor say that Nicole is ” from the future. ” NOT Light Mobius or anything. How could this be in the same universe as Flynn’s work when Silver is from a totally different-seeming future later?

54: Issue 120: Mighty’s backstory is totally retconned later. His parents were roboticized, they weren’t jewel thieves arrested and put on death row. But according to Flynn his line of dialogue in that self-reflection there was different.

55: Issue 130: In House of Cards later, Nicole talks as if it’s since Sonic returned from space that he and Tails have been distant, when Tails clearly only had a problem AFTER he started dating Fiona. But according to Flynn they hated each other or something even back THEN, in this issue where Tails never even really interacted with Sonic and had no reason to be distant from him!

56: Issue 134 (Big the Cat was in Knothole. According to Flynn he could’ve only still been in the cat country).

57: Issue 135: Eggman APPARENTLY knew the Metal Destructix were cheap replicas ALL ALONG, according to Flynn, so I have to wonder how he thought that ADAM had managed to FAKE video memories of their time as non-roboticized people.

Also, that story clearly showed that Anonymous had a mustache like Eggman would’ve, which is from the old writer’s original idea that Anonymous would be the first Robotnik Prime. Apparently that never happened, and Anonymous really isn’t ” as tall as ” Eggman. Ignore the way he clearly revealed himself to look in that video!

58: Issue 136: According to Flynn’s writing, Sonic couldn’t have used a Ring to bring Jules back from the dead, because then why didn’t he do that to get Antoine out of a mere coma? So Jules was never attacked by the infiltrator robot at all, then? So the plot was totally different then, Sonic must have woken up in time after all? Jules had to go save Sonic and get hurt because Sonic was TIRED.

59: Issue 139: Finitevus’ only residence is stated to be Angel Island. Apparently according to Flynn he detected Isaac’s underground base somehow from UP all the way in Angel Island. I guess he also has a home on the surface for no reason at all just so he could arbitrarily have a seismic wave detector that would lead him to find the base he had no reason to go looking for, and he never ran into the heroes when they went to the base.

And here, there’s no indication he was ever not a Dark Legionnaire (he has black eyes and is with the Legion no big deal). Obviously Finitevus’ new backstory contradicts that. And also makes it very confusing that he kicked the Brotherhood into the Twilight Cage when he would immediately proceed to fight against Eggman for a YEAR when he just got rid of the island’s best bet against him, so why didn’t he join him outright at that point?

What motivation did he actually have for fighting Eggman for a year if he always wanted the world destroyed and didn’t care about the island being as protected from Eggman as possible? WHY didn’t he destroy the world with the Master Emerald a long time ago if he had it in his possession and was ALWAYS that crazy the way he looked?!

It’s very hard to make sense of this, and reconcile Old Finitevus with Flynn Finitevus. In fact, I think it might make more sense if Flynn Finitevus was actually a totally different character, and according to Flynn’s work, the old Finitevus we knew looked completely different and was a different person entirely. Then him fighting Eggman and liberating echidnas for a year would make sense.

And we DIDN’T ever see Flynn’s work remind us that he WAS doing those good things, did we? But Flynn really wanted us to think otherwise because he showed a panel where Finitevus was the one who imprisoned the Brotherhood when they disappeared, and why would he be there on Angel Island if he wasn’t with them for Return to Angel Island?

Also, in the original story, there was zero indication that the Avatar prophecy was an Albion thing. If you take Flynn’s word for it, it WAS from Albion. I guess it was from all the way back when ALL the echidnas lived in Albion. But that was so far back in history that there’s no reason all the echidnas on Angel Island would rediscover that ancient Avatar prophecy by going through the ancient historical knowledge it’d be buried in. That’s too far back in time to be in the pop culture of their current time. It’d make more sense if it was a prophecy from their island since it’d be more RECENT.

Also, Lien-Da is happy to be the only one in charge of the Dark Legion with Dimitri gone and this reaffirms that she’s all about power and independence. Flynn makes her so desperate to get new cybernetics that she works under someone else willingly when her cybernetics were always USELESS to her anyways AND SHE NEVER EVEN MENTIONED THEM before.

Also, the Return to Angel Island arc had the Dark Legion fighting Eggman for a whole year. They would NOT go work for Eggman after all that! Even Penders said on Twitter that they’d rather commit seppuku than serve Eggman. And they have to have been fighting him in canon or else how did the heroes find out where Locke was being imprisoned, who was liberating the echidnas from the prison camps other than the Legionnaires?

With all these contradictions to it, I’m starting to wonder if Flynn never even read the Return to Angel Island arc because the arc is so confusing in retrospect. Finitevus is a completely different character doing nothing but good things. The Dark Legion is also different in the same way.

60: Issues 142 and 143: Silver’s book says that the FIRST Freedom Fighters were the ones we know, when no, the first ones were the ORIGINAL Freedom Fighters, who BUILT Knothole in the first place. Would history really forget that important historical contribution? Maybe but still, taken at face value, it implies that they never even existed, retconning these stories outright and unfilling the plot hole of ” how did Knothole get built and who guided people to it? “

61: Issue 143: Locke’s death in the future was completely ignored and retconned. Maybe this is where the ” LIGHT MOBIUS ” nonsense comes in that was never mentioned in the official comic at all and is therefore not technically canon. Because according to Flynn, 25 Years Later is in another dimension all along. Even though Sonic’s kids are named Sonia and Manik and obviously only the Prime Sonic would’ve had the opportunity to zone-hop and MEET Sonia and Manic, to decide to name his kids after them.

62: Issue 145: Apparently according to Flynn’s work, Tails ” knew there was a problem ” in the future, so he prepared accordingly to be immune to the timeline change. That can only mean that Rotor thought to tell him there was a problem for no reason that would destroy the world, or that Tails was secretly in the Tachyon Chamber all along when the heroes were, and was just hiding, like he was invisible.

63: Issue 148 ” Playing Around “: Big the Cat was in Knothole’s play, but he couldn’t have been according to Flynn since when we see him again in the cat country, Sonic and him act like he’s never been to Knothole and Big has to be told why he should go.

64: Issue 150: Evil Sonic to Anti Sonic, in the original story Titan Tails is supposed to have made the charm against Mogul and no Walkers had been mentioned in it to have made it. Archy must have gotten brain damage and lost tons of IQ points after this issue where he was smart enough to just warp Rouge away with a touch, since he never does this again to prevent the Enerjak Knuckles arc. Also, it was called No Zone back then and not Parallel Zone.

65: Issue 151 (Evil Sonic to Anti Sonic, and Nicole is said to sleep during the night.)

66: Issue 152: Not only does this issue contradict the idea that the Egg Grapes are for siphoning people’s energy and the Zone of Silence somehow, since ADAM said the Egg Grapes’ contents aren’t yet ready for interacting with the outside world, but if Fiona just stuck with being a hero for Sonic, then why did she stay a hero for a long time long BEFORE Sonic dated her just an issue after this, and WHY did she go out of her way to tell Snively that he and Robotnik should do better things with their lives?

Why was she so worried about Sonic when he was hurt by Shadow and run up to him calling out his name? Why did she care that the nanites would forever change the environment and ecology of the nanite city? Why did she call out Bean on trying to blow up Sonic? 172 contradicts all of Fiona’s history as a Freedom Fighter.

67: Issue 154: The only way it could make sense that Fang didn’t escape his cell way earlier was that after he was arrested for trying to kill Mina, he escaped right after Sally left, and then was put in jail for something else later down the line just before Mogul broke out the Destructix.

As for the backup story, there was no indication Tommy ever started acting up after the nanites went into his shell. We were just told they’d help him fly. Now we’re expected to believe he was always being a jerk, ruining inventions and stealing guitars, the second he got nanites in his shell that would let him fly. AND that he was constantly getting into trouble getting kidnapped to the point where Rotor hates him now, when he literally only got kidnapped twice, once recently so robots could be made of him.

68: Issue 158 arc: As far as Flynn’s concerned, rather than King Max, Uncle Chuck and Rotor completely keeping the creation of the Metal Sonic Troopers a secret from everyone, like was implied in the 158 arc, and so ADAM never would’ve found out because the people he infected like Tommy, Bunnie and Jules would’ve never learned about them, Tommy DID know about the Metal Sonic Troopers before they were released and thus ADAM could learn about them through him, and send a robot to Knothole he’d control, and that robot was never discovered and destroyed before it could get nanites into them to take them over. Maybe the robot was sent to the troopers at midnight when no one was on look-out?

69: Issue 159: In the main story, Shadow originally destroyed all the Metal Sonic Troopers with a wave of his hand without even taking off his inhibitor rings. Later on Flynn brings in the inhibitor rings idea from Sonic X, which had nothing to do with Archie and fans in Sonic-Grams were even begging the writers NOT to bring in Sonic X material to the comic.

So for it to make sense, it has to be that according to Flynn’s work, the Metal Sonic Troopers were all destroyed differently, in a proper way, like maybe by Sonic’s tornado to begin with, and not just by one hit from Shadow in a Deus ex Machina. This is a good change but one that we should’ve been told was an intentional retcon. Because if Shadow could be that powerful without his inhibitor rings, then why did he need to take the rings off to do a Chaos Blast later on? Just for it to be completely USELESS?

In the side story, Eggman talks as if he plans to use the nanites against the heroes very soon, saying he’ll strike at the time they least expect. And yet when Flynn takes over the comic, Eggman somehow DOESN’T do that. His next plan is to send completely unrelated bad guys after the heroes, and it takes until 168, when ADAM, not Eggman, carries out the nanite plan. That wasn’t foreshadowed at all.

So apparently, according to Flynn, Eggman didn’t say that he’ll strike when they least expect and instead he said he’ll strike WAY LATER or something. Also, Eggman just thinks of Snively as a traitor here. Apparently he doesn’t anymore since he thought hiring him back for no reason would be a good idea.

Every Retcon and Continuity Error in Sonic the Comic:

1: Issue 10: In Issue 9 we were told that the only punishment under Robotnik is death, and this issue we see that people get badnikified for not working hard enough. That’s gotta be a retcon.

2: Issue 39: Now it’s retconned that Sonic didn’t have his speed when he was brown. Issue 8 confused me by establishing that he was still the fastest hedgehog and could run at over 700 miles per hour and Kintobor did experiments on his speed because of that.

3: Issue 15: They forget that Sonic made a house out of the Terra-Droid Green Eater robot literally an issue later. He’s never mentioned again.

4: Issue 26: Earlier on, in Issue 8, Sonic wanted to finally tell Porker, Tails and Johnny, Eggman’s origin. But here, they always knew Kintobor the AI, Porker found him trapped in the Ring. So they found out about Eggman turning evil and his original mind being recorded on a Ring before Sonic told them about how Eggman turned evil. And Kintobor the AI was clearly confused and Porker had to tell him what happened, rather than always being aware of what he is, so, he was Eggman’s mind and just got sent to that Ring. That’s the 2nd retcon.

5: Issue 36: If Emeralds absorb evil and that’s why the pirates became hippies, why didn’t they turn Eggman good whenever he powered up with them?

6: Issue 47: The pirates aren’t hippies anymore. We’re never told why. Lack of exposure to the Emeralds, I guess, but we’re not told that directly so it seems like the writers forgot.

7: Issue 49: Eggman knows about a Master Emerald, out of nowhere. The only information he had before was that there were Chaos Emeralds on the Floating Island. I guess he was told about the Master Emerald offscreen, but it wasn’t even implied to exist at first because it wasn’t mentioned in Sonic 3’s manual.

8: Issue 53: Knuckles says he was never that good at translating Ancient Echdinanese. That’s a continuity error because he was born in ancient echidna country, Tikal spoke English just fine with no difference, and even without that problem, where would he have gotten an Ancient Echidnaese to Modern English dictionary to even get started on translations? Why wouldn’t he just be able to read that stuff from the start without even needing to do any translating of those things? You’d think he’d only know how to read that ancient language. That must be a retcon, the third one.

9: Issue 59: Why did Fleetway Haven need repairs? Why weren’t the ancient systems always working, if the island was always guarded by somebody? What broke them down? Why didn’t the guardian robots repair them for him?

10: Issue 65: What took so long for the guard robots to be rediscovered by Knuckles if they were on Angel Island all along? And were meant to work for Knuckles? At least Penders’ echidna history didn’t create confusing contradictions literally every time it established something new about Angel Island and its history, as we’ll see.

11: Issue 65: What took so long for Zachary to be freed from his immortality-causing prison? HOW? The ancient systems broke down, but Zachary wasn’t freed as soon as they were?

12: Issue 66: Zachary is SURPRISED that the Chaos Emeralds exist, even though they were kept by Tikal’s royal family, and the Drakons went to war with them BECAUSE of that, so you’d think every echidna would know about them. It’s especially confusing since later it turns out Zachary knows that Tikal’s staff was what sealed away Chaos, who became that way because of the Emeralds in the first place. He knew Tikal PERSONALLY. He recognizes her later on.

13: Sonic the Summer Special 3: Even though Shortfuse said no to staying at Tekno’s workshop in Issue 67, he goes on to do that immediately anyways for no explained reason. Though it was stupid that he said no and there were legitimate reasons TO stay with her, but then explain why he changed his mind so easily when he was that stupid to begin with. Tekno didn’t object to him saying no and wanting to fight solo, she just let him go.

14: Issue 68: Somehow Fake Porker had his arm injured from Sonic fighting robots in Issue 67! Even though the fight was nowhere near him. He was on the chain of Miracle Planet at the time. Apparently it’s retconned now (4th retcon) and Not Porker was with Sonic and the Chaotix during their fight on the ground.

15: Issue 71: Last time, in Issue 8, Kintobor said the rotten egg was there for six months as if it’s normally there and he expected it, making me question why he didn’t throw it away months ago since he’d have noticed it every time he opened the fridge in his lab for a meal. Then it’s stated that Sonic put it there on the day Kintobor became Eggman. So why didn’t Kintobor question the egg being there? How did he know exactly how many months old it was? There’s just no way an egg that old being in his daily fridge can make sense. This way makes more sense, but again, why didn’t Kintobor question it and instead talk like the egg belonged there?

16: Issue 72: In Issue 59, Eggman sent Sonic after the Metallix instead of killing him when he was trapped in a bubble, and acted as if he needed to do that, like, “ I have to let you go, “ while looking sad. But it turns out he could’ve just used a self-destruct button on the Metallix. So why didn’t he just kill Sonic in the bubble and then used the self-destruct button?

17: Issue 82: Tails thinks his tails can’t fly while they’re wet, when in Issue 79 ” Grounded, “ he flew out of the water earlier after they were covered in spider web. The web was the only reason he couldn’t fly and was thankful that he could fly again.

18: Issue 83: Metamorphia shapeshifts AFTER losing her powers in, like, Issue 66. She even lampshades it.

19: Issue 87: Tails mentions that Old Sonic has not called him “pixel-brain”, as Sonic often does. But Old Sonic called Tails pixel-brain in the previous issue. That’s the 5th retcon, I guess.

20: Issue 92: What took so long for the sharks to mutate from that transformation serum? Why didn’t they mutate right away like the professor did? They take the entire issue.

Honorable mention since it could still make sense: Issue 92: This story depicts Robotnik learning that Sonic is trapped in the Special Zone from a monkey informant. However, this is inconsistent with the story “Mister Shifter” in Sonic the Comic Issue 87, in which it was implied Robotnik learned of this from Agent X19. It’s like this retcons away him finding out in Issue 87 so he could have a more comical reaction for a story, which was worth it. WAIT a minute. I don’t think there’s any proof in Issue 87 that he finds out SONIC’S in the zone. Agent X19 just mentions that the people in the Special Zone are too powerful for him to invade it. All she says is that he’ll never guess who she ran into. She could be talking about Mister Shifter for all we know. (Not to mention, Eggman could’ve hit his head and forgotten that Sonic was sent there.)

The fact remains, though, the writers clearly meant for him to find out Sonic was in the Special Zone earlier and then changed their mind by Issue 92. But it doesn’t have to make no sense in-universe by contradicting canon, which makes it a kind of harmless ” continuity error. ” The reason continuity errors are bad in the first place is that they make the comic make less sense, but this one doesn’t, because for all we know, Mr. Shifter is someone that Eggman and X19 both know from Mobius and that’s who she was gonna mention. Eggman could’ve been his creator.

21: Issue 94: Why didn’t Eggman get rid of the park by now? It’s already silly there’s any greenery left after years of Eggman’s rule and yet there’s always been a forest in Metropolis for people to protest over being threatened. Yes, Robotnik is about polluting in this comic, because early on it’s established that the reason Stone Tower Zone was left untouched by him is that he prefers to go after greener zones he can pollute first.

22: Issue 100: Zachary’s robot-controlling software is “ modern “ to justify it being affected by an EMP, even though he came from an ancient echidna prison and that software was why he escaped prison, which must have had him in cold sleep for 8000 years. Any software he’d make would be ancient software because he learned about it 8000 years ago. He wouldn’t get accepted into any modern colleges that are the only way he could learn to make modern software, because he has no high school education in this time period.

23: Issue 103: Why didn’t Eggman or Grimer scrap the Eggmobile that punches itself a long time ago when he was hurt by it in the first Summer Special instead of a fanboy of his having it later? This continuity nod makes as little sense as Croctobot. It wouldn’t still be in the same condition as before by this point, it’d be modified to not be dangerous to the user anymore or used for spare parts.

24: Issue 105: Tails says it’s never happened before about Sonic’s spindash not affecting a robot, which is inaccurate of course. Commander Brutus in Issue 63, for example. Tails saw that happen. So this was the sixth retcon.

25: Issue 108: Last issue, in Issue 107, Captain Plunder was about to be killed by a shark in a canoe. Next issue he’s fine in the pirate ship. Like they retconned away the ending gag. This might be the 7th retcon.

26: If Plunder’s ship has a force field and always has, how did Sonic get to it to get the Emeralds back last time?

27: We never see Tekno’s “ water gun “ ray gun ever again, even though it’d have helped when Eggman kidnapped Sonic with Metal Knuckles. WHY wasn’t she there with Amy when that happened? I guess she was busy building THIS. Still, this makes later stories more confusing, and makes me wonder why she doesn’t use it more often.

28: Issue 109: Kog calls his old master Ovi Kintobor “ Robotnik “ despite not knowing he became evil since he’s calling him good. He only started going by Robotnik after turning evil.

29: Issue 114: In Issue 44, one of the Marxio Bros said earlier on that he’s going back to his own world, but he doesn’t. Next time we see them, they’re legal owners of Chemical Plant Zone and mention that they were acquitted in court, when there was no indication they were arrested for working with Eggman, who was in power when they were defeated last time. In fact they had expressed a desire to return to their home, so why didn’t they?

30: Issue 115: Windy survived being sucked into a tornado last time and sent really high up. I assumed that fall had killed her. But she’s in this issue just fine.

31: Issue 116: Amy and Tekno don’t believe there were ghosts when they should’ve been told about the Sandopolis ghosts as basic conversation, and Amy KNOWS Filch the ghost pirate! She met him! And yet they assume there aren’t any ghosts there.

32: Issue 119: Sonic makes physical contact with Santa in anger just fine, apparently.

33: Issue 120: Someone not assertive said that Sonic saved the world dozens of times, when he didn’t. I don’t think he did that once.

34: Issue 121: Max Gamble’s very Off Model. He looks like a frog. He radically changed designs after his first appearance in Issue 81. And then his design is finalized after this. The problem is, there’s never an explanation for this.

35: Issue 122: A chef says Tails saved the planet plenty of times when he didn’t. Also, how do people come to that conclusion with no evidence just because they’re heroes? Wouldn’t they be told about the good things the heroes did? Though there’s no proof the heroes tell journalists about every time they stop an evil plan, that would take forever. But if the entire world was threatened with destruction, people would know about it, so they would know the heroes saved the world every time they did. Sonic would want to BRAG about it!

36: Issue 123: If the Emeralds come from the Drakon Empire’s planet, WHY do they go to the Special Zone after they’re used when separate from the Floating Island Emeralds, when they aren’t being kept cold, as Issues 8 and 26 established? I thought they had a connection to the Special Zone. Wouldn’t they just go back to Drakon instead?

37: Issue 123: WHY were the other Emeralds ever separate from the Floating Island Emeralds, according to Issue 36, if the Emeralds were first gotten from the Drakons and brought first to Angel Island? And there were only 7 Emeralds with Tikal’s royal family. But we have 7 Emeralds in STC because the six Emeralds fused with the Floating Island Emeralds, so, why were there only 7 Emeralds? I guess those 7 Emeralds split and there were more of them afterwards that were sent out of the Island, but why, who would do that just to not keep taking advantage of them so that Kintobor could’ve never found them and become Eggman?


38: Issue 124: Grimer creates a continuity error because he thinks that without the Master Emerald, all of the Chaos Emeralds are useless, which is completely untrue. And it’s not confirmed that he was lying to get them to go after the Master Emerald. He looked serious. When we first saw them, there was no indication a Master Emerald even existed, and of course they were used for the experiment that turned Kintobor into Eggman by accident and powered his machine just fine without the Master Emerald.

And this is supposed to explain why Grimer thinks they need to get the Master Emerald from Sonic instead of just taking six of the Emeralds. We didn’t need this explanation. The Gray Emerald was used to get Eggman out of his super form, and that’ll happen a second time later, with no indication of a Master Emerald.

39: Issue 124: Porker went to college? But early on, Sonic was calling him, “ little pal “ and “ kid! “ He called him kid in Issue 1. He even used to be small, like a typical animal that pops out of a badnik! Now he’s older than Sonic. Of course the same could be said for Johnny’s becoming taller.

40: Issue 126: Sonic constantly doubts that ghosts exist when he met ghosts, including Filch.

41: Issue 127 ” Amy’s Secret Past “: In this story, which is referenced by Tekno in STC Online, how did anyone other than Kintobor even know how to make that machine when Eggman lost all his memories of being Kintobor when he became Eggman, as was established in Issue 26? More importantly, how did the machine’s explosion not give Amy super speed and just make her have pink hair?

42: Eggman had his Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog-style appearance, which he did not assume until Sonic the Comic Issue 22, “Girl Trouble, Part 2”, in a story taking place before Amy first appeared. That is just an art thing though, the plot doesn’t require or point out his appearance. They were forced into this one because a legal mandate from Sega forced them to use a design different from Classsic Eggman, so they couldn’t have him look like him again.

43: Amy’s personality and manner of dress are very different to the way she was originally portrayed in the early issues (in her first appearance, she had a dress and was arrested not for vigilante activities, but because she claimed to be Sonic’s girlfriend). She did not become a solo action girl until Sonic the Comic Issue 41, “In Good Hands”, and she did not become a respected hero in her own right until some time later.

44: Issue 128 “First Flight”: Since it’s established that Tails was bullied for having two tails, why did he have no problem with showing off his two tails to Sonic when he first met him?

45: Issue 134 “The Eternity Ring” :Tekno doesn’t believe in ghosts when she knows Filch exists. She HAS to, her friends would tell her about him.

46: Issue 138 “Roots Part 4”: The mind roots dropped off their “ necks “ even though in the same issue we clearly saw one on Mighty’s head and a big deal was made about that.

47: Tails doubts that ghosts exist right away, when he knows Filch exists. In fact HE was the one believing in ghosts earlier in the SAME issue and MET them.

48: Issue 142: The Eternity Ring goes from the omniscient Spirit of Mobius to an alien portal made by aliens who were responsible for all life in the universe for some reason. Why didn’t that Ring take down Robotnik if it’s so omniscient and able to teleport?

49: Issue 149: What took Kintobor so long to find DRAT’s base if he could detect it in one issue just like that?

50: Issue 150: Why is Mr. Fry imprisoned on Mobius instead of his home the Special Zone?

51: Issue 151: Why did the princess think it WAS a certain death mission last issue when it was a mission to give kids to genie ghosts and the ghosts would’ve had no reason to kill the Grand Vizier bringing him those kids?

52: Issue 153: Charmy says he’s never had to think for himself before. Even though he did when he saved the Chaotix from being liquidized. He thought for himself in Issue 80 because he thought to go get help from the hive.

53: Issue 155: Even though he’s omniscient, the Eternity Ring sent a villain like Gamble to a world that would be his paradise.

54: It’s already illogical enough that the Eternity Ring never beat Eggman! After all, he can teleport and knows everything. Why didn’t he just get rid of Eggman then? He knew he’d be beaten, but he should’ve also known that he could beat Eggman much faster.

55: Issue 156 ” No Escape Part 1“: Amy’s Secret Past from Issue 127 is ignored here, because Grimer says he was told to try to discover why Sonic has super speed by doing experiments, as if Eggman didn’t already get other scientists to unlock that secret from making a machine to try to give himself Sonic’s powers.

56: Issue 161 “Space Race Part 1”: Why doesn’t Sonic instantly win the race across the asteroid belt?! Why is Turbo able to win or even stay close to him when this is the same guy who ran all the way from one zone to another to prevent destruction TWICE? Why didn’t he run fast enough to stop time again when Amy’s life was on the line here?!

57: Issue 163 “Medusa”: Amy is surprised that Medusa exists, even though she revealed in the very same issue that Hercules from Earth had told her about dealing with her OFFSCREEN. After everything she’s seen in her life, why would she assume Medusa was a myth everywhere?

58: Issue 168: In the Mirror Zone, King Sonic looks identical to Sonic aside from a crown and cape, when in the STC Prime Zone, Robotnik looks nothing like Kintobor. That breaks an established rule. One turns evil and looks like almost the opposite of how he did before, the other looks no different.

59: Issue 168: Sonic thought only movie villains brag about their plan for world domination when he fought Robotnik for years, who did do that.

60: Issue 168: When King Sonic goes Super he turns good, and Sonic anticipated this. Even though that’s not how chaos energy works. It’s CHAOS energy! And Eggman turned evil because the Emeralds absorbed all the world’s evil, so logic would dictate King Sonic turned evil from the same thing, especially since he was so close to the machines explosion, and when he was pushed too far, Evil Sonic turned Super too, meaning that the rules are mostly the SAME and not the OPPOSITE. So why did he became good when he turned super? Normally the super form makes sense to be evil and happen in a desperate situation because you have to become more ruthless to save yourself, but here it makes him a pacifist just because different planet.

It’s especially silly when we learn in Issue 275 that what made Super Sonic rampage was that Sonic had been near the explosion of all the world’s evil that made Eggman evil, and he can turn good Super with pure chaos energy that ISN’T tainted from that experiment. Shouldn’t the same apply to King Sonic?

61: Issue 226: Ebony doesn’t think Super had turned evil when at the end of the Adventure adaptation, he did, in front of her. In fact, he did so TWICE, the second time in 146. She wouldn’t be so adamant that he’d never turn evil.

62: Issue 228: Knuckles thinks Porker rose the Floating Island, when the guard robots did. Why else were they flying over the floating island saying ” raising successful? ” They expected it to rise. Porker was SURPRISED that the island started rising. I don’t think Porker did anything. And Porker doesn’t contradict him. And it’s not explained that he’s just letting Knuckles think that. I thought Porker was with the other heroes when the island was rising. It really doesn’t help that we aren’t told how the island started rising again and it just happens.

63: Issue 230: Suddenly the Chaos Emeralds are in a box again and not in the Chaos Chamber holding up the Island in the air. Why isn’t the island falling? The only Emeralds ever in a box keeping them cold were the ones that had to be fused with the Floating Island Emeralds and that was the last that was ever heard of that concept. Probably because they were returned to the Chaos Chamber! And yet this is going to be part of the supposed justification for the Special Zone being permanently destroyed, because he turns up the temperature on the box to send the Emeralds there.

64: Issue 233: Espio doesn’t know that Charmy had family in the Special Zone, even though he should’ve remembered Charmy saving his friends from jail with his mom’s money in Issue 154, which bought out Crimson Cobra Inc, which the Chaotix live in from that point on when they move to Mobius. So that has to be canon.

65: Issue 234: If Shadow was with Eggman before Eggman turned evil, why didn’t he find Shadow where he was hidden in his old lab after he turned evil and use him the whole comic, logically? Why didn’t he find him wherever Zachary found him in all his time ruling the world? It would’ve been simpler to have Shadow JUST be created NOW. Like I kinda assumed! Wasn’t Sonic in what used to be Kintobor’s lab in the first issue with the Kintobor Computer? Why didn’t Sonic find Shadow first? Wouldn’t Kintobor have introduced Sonic to Shadow?!

66: Vichama: Why didn’t Knuckles remember coming out of the Guardian Crystal with amnesia? Why does he need to learn this all again? If he could learn his past here, he would’ve learned it the minute he was reincarnated before. Why would the guardian robots think they had anything to gain in, say, carrying him out of the Guardian Crystal area while he’s unconscious, the only reason he wouldn’t remember being there before and find out about it and the guardian robots again way earlier? A guardian not knowing about his own guardian robots has no advantage there.

67: Issue 249: If it was their plan all along to let Zachary escape, why did Porker warn Knuckles about the fact that the force field of Zachary’s cell could easily be broken as if he DIDN’T want him to get free? That’s the 9th retcon.

68: And Tikal tells us the guardian robots are programmed to obey her orders, but they didn’t tell her about what their plan to revive Knuckles was until they did it.

69: Issue 261: Apparently, Kintobor could always have a time machine and yet didn’t send Sonic months back in time to before Eggman took over the world to prevent that. It should’ve been Omni, not Kintobor! How would he do this by accident and be unaware of it?

70: Issue 266: If Super can drain Omni of his power, why didn’t he do that last time he was in Omni back in the Special Zone? He was in there for a couple of seconds before Omni froze him and he just stayed there doing nothing. Omni is just thoroughly incompetent in STC-Online. He could’ve easily gone into Shadow and warped him away or FROZE SHADOW IN TIME if he did it to Super Sonic, but he didn’t and the zone got destroyed.

71: Issue 267: What took Erasgol SO LONG to do this plan if he was ALWAYS around Angel Island?

How could she not hear him?

72: Issue 270: The writer forgot that Vector actually said that Shadow 1 committed universicide in front of Iggy a couple issues ago, as here, the characters talk as if she doesn’t know this. She would’ve had to be deaf to not hear him say that in front of her without even whispering.

73: Issue 272: What took Eggman so long to realize he lost control of Tekno and regain control of her? He would’ve regained control of her last issue at best.

74: What took so long for Kintobor to decide to track down the Don Long Legs with Kane’s search engine satellite?

75: Issue 273: Uh, the mutated sharks were in the Special Zone! How is one on Mobius when the Special Zone was destroyed an eternity ago?

76: And what took Dagon so long deciding to get revenge?

77: How’s it still mutated after all this time? The fact that Plunder even asks this just makes it dumber that it happened.

78: Issue 275: Sonic would’ve told Tails a long time ago that Grimer made the Metallix, not Robotnik. Instead Tails says it was made by Robotnik.

79: If Kintobor can instantly monitor KBC’s records and realize they can find their archive records to get the camera footage proving Sonic’s innocence… what took so long to clear his name?! Tails would’ve asked for this favor much earlier! Arrgh!

80: Why hadn’t Kane destroyed the tape proving Sonic’s innocence a long time ago?! It wouldn’t be that easy! Kane had no reason to keep the disc intact because he was profiting off Sonic smear campaign news.

81: Exit Sonic: How does Grimer have the evil Super Sonic with him? In Issue 268, Sonic was drained of chaos energy because he was ejected from Angel Island with the Super form turning off, and in Issue 275, Sonic reveals that this drained him of the chaos energy causing him to rampage so that whne he jumps into a chaos energy beam, while he goes Super, it’s a good Super form. He can’t go evil Super Sonic anymore. The fact that Grimer has Super Sonic for NO REASON just makes this SILLY. Sonic wasn’t captured and forced to get the evil Super form out of him! This contradicts last issue.

82: Issue 276: Last time we saw Eggman, he shrunk into nothing after being drained by the Chaos Tap. So the next time Sonic finds Robotnik, he’s NOT in a microverse, there’s no explicit mention by Eggman that he HAD been in one and had to unshrink himself first to get to this point, and while he’s skinny, somehow his chaos energy is still leaking and he’s gradually returning to Kintobor! Last time he went to a microverse, he was back to being Kintobor the minute he stopped shrinking. He wouldn’t have even gotten the chance to try to stay as Robotnik for a bit.

Last time that he got drained and shrunken away, he became Kintobor minutes later, when he landed in Shanazar. That’s not the case THIS time, Sonic finds Eggman after quite some time and he’s still not Kintobor.

83: What took the professor so LONG to find out about the Mal-Adjuster curse remover when he could find out about it so easily? And this is the same professor that raised the Sandopolis pyramid. I guess Plunder used the internet to track him down again.

9 retcons.