Every Plot Hole in Ian Flynn’s Fanfictions:

Over the Hills and Far Away:

1: Sonic’s talents are wasted on him being the look-out on the Knothole look-out tower.

2: Why did the portal to the Teletubbies universe even show up in the Great Forest?

3: Sonic, on the way to his destination, stops running for no reason.

4: Why is Sonic glared at by Rotor for asking where the portal is? I thought he was just saying what everyone was thinking.

5: Why’d they say Tails could go with them just for Sally to tell him he can’t go into the portal in front of it? And he still gets to go into it.

6: Why was there an invisible wall in front of the portal that Sonic had to spindash?

7: An entire planet of mostly plants as far as Nicole can detect

8: with only 2 structures. The planet would have to be really tiny and if that was true, the gravity would be really weak and the world couldn’t hold an atmosphere.

9: The pinwheel has no doors in or windows.

10: A gel-based monitor screen chest for a person, and a very young person at that!

11: Tails asks the native to the zone if this is really his Zone. Of course it is!

12: Sure is convenient that they ALL speak the same language!

13: Where are the Teletubbies’ parents? Why aren’t they raising them? They’d know better! And they’re happy instead of missing their parents with no explanation.

14: Why do they make bike horn sounds when they lie down or sit down?

15: Someone greets her friends all individually by name.

16: At first the toast-making machine doesn’t work for no reason,

17: and then Sonic kicks it and that makes it shoot tons of toast.

18: The Teletubbies are giggling at toast hitting them.

19: The heroes didn’t scream at seeing the Teletubbies and run away.

20: Time passes at different rates between the 2 Zones.

21: There’s only a few books in Knothole. Yet they have the materials for those straw huts.

22: Sonic had walked for an hour to get to that portal rather than carrying her friends to it one by one and running at sonic speed.

23: Sally says “ the real world “ about Mobius as if the other Zone’s not fake to her.

24: Sally’s planning on having a Freedom Fighter farm in that zone, wasting his talents.

25: Why hadn’t Bunnie gone into the zone with them instead of Tails, as a bodyguard.

26: Again, the heroes WALKED to the portal.

27: Antoine asks what Robotnik could do in one day?

28: Antoine complains that the heroes care about Robotnik terrorizing a zone, because he also terrorized Mobotropolis.

29: The Teletubbie takes too long to understand when asked where his friends are.

30: The Teletubbies are merely curious at seeing Robotnik instead of screaming and being scared.

31: Sally and Sonic stupidly talked through Eggman’s message.

32: Why are the Teletubbies toddlers when they’re clearly robots since Nicole didn’t detect them on the planet and they can play recorded camera footage on their chests?

33: Portable roboticizers.

34: After the heroes were marched into the domes by Swatbots holding their arms, suddenly they’re free to do whatever. What happened?! Because this story is going with the idea that the heroes can’t kill Swatbots directly, like it’s Satam.

35: Antoine says “ time of point. “ Moment is a word in French too, by the way.

36: How is there a face in the sun? It’s referenced but not even explained!

37: One of the Teletubbies runs at sonic speed with no explanation.

38: The flowers wiggle happily without wind.

39: Sonic says he heard someone compliment him, but no one else did.

40: And Sally doesn’t say he’d deserve the compliment.

41: Sonic and Sally think Bunnie is right to be opposed to taking advantage of the zone’s time rate speed difference for themselves.

42: Rotor’s bomb gets rid of the portal to another universe, seeming to blow the universe away, instead of simply exploding like a bomb.

43: The heroes played games with the Teletubbies for hours instead of being too creeped out or exasperated.

Coming of Age:

1: Jade assumes GUN was gonna hurt a little girl, instead of assuming that the damage caused to the house was by Eggman.

2: The Destructix are called the bodyguards of Mammoth Mogul. Why’d HE think he needs BODYGUARDS?!

3: Somehow Jade figures a boulder is just a hollow one to hide a ladder leading to an underground tunnel.

4: Execution isn’t authorized for intruders to Prison Island.

5: Rouge and Jade are put in cells right next to each other.

6: The soldiers assumed they would escape the cells, AND after memorizing the amount of turns in the maze, so they did redundant turns so they couldn’t get out of the maze.

7: The GUN Commander wastes time telling Rouge and her what GUN knows about them.

8: Rouge’s parents were donating to Eggman, for NO REASON. It’s never explained that they were swindled into it or forced to do it, and the big reason this feels so unfair is that the narration clearly told us they were philanthropists giving BACK with their wealth at the start of the story. Now all of a sudden it retcons that.

9: It took hours for GUN to decide what to do with them.

10: Why’d Mogul not immediately kill Jade after she betrayed him?

11: What took his revenge so LONG?! Mogul lured them to a trap where they’d be imprisoned by GUN. Wouldn’t he have just immediately killed Jade if he wanted revenge all those years ago? He can teleport, so if he wanted her to suffer for a long time in a cell, why didn’t he just warp Jade to Prison Island to be captured right away?

12: If Mogul’s a psychic who can teleport, wouldn’t he not rely on others to steal stuff much slower than he would?

13: Rouge is ashamed she was raised to be a liar, saying Jade infected her with it. No, she’s proud of how she is!

14: How’d Jade already know Rouge’s parents were really funding Eggman? She’s not even related to Rouge.

15: Why is Rouge hired for GUN and Jade is left in the cell when BOTH of them can fly? Rouge was probably hired because she can fly, but the same logic would apply to Jade.

16: Rouge hates Jade for not telling her a depressing fact about her parents when she was better off not knowing and being upset unnecessarily. This is dumber than when Sonic hated his uncle for making him think his parents were dead instead of Robians because he would’ve never stopped thinking about rescuing them until they’d be free. At least that probably saved Sonic!

17: How’d Rouge break Jade out of prison?! How’d she remember the exact escape route after YEARS enough to embroider it inside a doll?! She was mad at Jade, so she wouldn’t have written down the amount of turns after escaping the prison herself just in case she ever wanted to help Jade. Also, Rouge wouldn’t be allowed to send any gift to Jade. They’d search any toy sent to prison! So Jade can’t be here!

18: HOW would Jade get a comprehensive file on Mammoth Mogul who’s been alive for millennia and threatens people with magic? Who was keeping that information?

Metal the Last Chapter:

1: Even though Shadow’s able to use Chaos Control while falling from space to try to save himself he still lands roughly instead of being fine, being able to bend space to slow his fall, and teleport to safety. Wasn’t it implied that he ran out of power and was exhausted at the end of SA2? And therefore wouldn’t be able to use Chaos Control? If he could’ve simply used that to save himself, he would’ve done so IMMEDIATELY and just teleported back to the ARK right away. Bringing up the fact that maybe he could still use it while falling to earth just makes me wonder why he didn’t do THAT at the end of SA2 and it cheapens the drama of his “ death “ because it shouldn’t have happened, then.

2: Shadow doesn’t get why some stranger would hate him. This is right after the adventure where he tried to destroy the world, not to mention Sonic had told him that the military hates him because it mistook Shadow for Sonic.

3: Shadow’s once went weeks without food or drinks. First off, he’s organic. That’d kill him.

4: Plus, he would’ve never had the time in his conscious life to experience weeks of ANYTHING. He was only a week old when he was ejected from the ARK. And SA2 took a few days, not weeks. He hasn’t experienced two weeks yet.

5: Doctors still make house visits.

6: The doctor didn’t think anything in Shadow was broken when he clearly is injured and needs taking care of.

7: Shadow’s called Mr. Shadow, unironically.

8: Shadow shouldn’t be questioning how he’s famous after SA2. He found out in SA2 that Rouge was a spy for GUN, so obviously info about him had leaked.

9: The grandpa agrees too quickly to not be overprotective of his granddaughter around Shadow and leaves the room.

10: Shadow’s memory is cloudy because he had been unconscious for 50 years, but he still has some memories anyways.

11: Shadow just now learns Eggman had been televising his threat from the ARK even though he worked for him, and had said, “ Our threats fell on deaf ears. “

12: Shadow somehow failed to kill the evil GUN commander when he sent him flying so far! And that sent him bouncing off a van!

13: GUN grabs the Villain Ball and frames Shadow for razing a VILLAGE and killing the little girl of the story in the process, and the commander really starts Bullying the Dragon by bragging to Shadow’s face about it,

14: to the point where he taunts him for Maria’s death! This all happens to force Shadow to flip out and decide to join Eggman to try to take over the world for himself, so that GUN couldn’t exist ever again.

15: Shadow was alone with the commander! What kind of military would do that instead of having a few soldiers with him as bodyguards just in case? That’s even what I was picturing! It took 30 seconds for the soldiers to learn that Shadow had broken himself free of someone’s grip.

Big Trouble Little Planet:

1: Knuckles is sleeping on top of the Master Emerald, instead of pillows like a relatable person.

2: Why is Little Planet acting so dangerous? Why is it rotating too fast near Angel Island?

3: Why is there a gravitational distortion affecting Knuckles as he’s gliding? Angel Island doesn’t have its own gravity.

4: Why won’t Knuckles use the Master Emerald to Chaos Control warp away the Little Planet? This entire plot would be prevented. He also doesn’t warp away Angel Island.

5: Knuckles goes to Little Planet and doubles over from the poisonous gas somehow on it.

6: And he doesn’t die from this. He ends up being able to fight Silver Sonic just fine.

7: Tikal, a ghost, also coughs from the gas.

8: Knuckles shouldn’t have gone to the gas because he could see it! What was he expecting to accomplish going to Little Planet?

9: Sonic had been interviewed by EVERY reporter ever, about his SA1 adventure. Sonic wouldn’t put up with all that.

10: Sonic had stopped being a household name until now, when he never stopped fighting Eggman.

11: Sonic had gone through Eggman’s empty base a dozen times searching for Eggman. That’s paranoid for Sonic.

12: Even though Sonic and Tails had seen the robot Sonics there, they left them there! Tails would’ve taken them to his lab! So this forces the concept of these robots being reactivated.

13: For no reason, Eggman went missing and did nothing famous for 6 months. Since when would he have so much patience? And wouldn’t he have been found in all that time?

14: Sonic knows the storm clouds are weird. What’s weird about them?

15: Why does Tails wanna scrap the Tornado-2? He even likes it enough to call it a her, and he has it in SA2.

16: Tails insists Rings would make something more unstable than an Emerald powering it, when Rings are less powerful than Emeralds,

17: and he thinks he’d need 200 Rings for the plane to go anywhere. Actually, a single Ring was enough to power his biplane in Archie.

18: How did Amy have the money to shop so much she became a legend?

19: Why did Amy pass out? Why’d she hear bells and whistles and see stars?

20: A guy says he wasn’t sure doctors in a human city could care for Mobians, even though Amy knows that Mobians and humans are similar in physiology.

21: Why does Sonic prefer it on Earth?

22: Why were the Time Stones disrupted so that Little Planet doesn’t show up at regular intervals?

23: GUN would’ve destroyed Eggman’s base in 6 months, searched the place and gotten rid of everything in it like those robot Sonics.

24: Why does Amy think right away that Big could help her get to Little Planet and try to go with him after the Tornado-2 left without her? She just assumes he has a boat.

25: Froggy can play checkers.

26: And he’s winning against Big, who miraculously thought to try to teach his pet frog to play checkers. He was smart enough to know how to successfully teach him!

27: How can Big understand Froggy?

28: As the plane heads towards the spinning Little Planet, Sonic flies off the Tornado-2 for no reason with the mechanical arm as it was holding him tight.

29: How’d Sonic use things as a launch pad?

30: Sonic lives after breathing in toxic gas? He can fight after that?

31: Why’d Little Planet briefly stop rotating?

32: The planet slows its rotation again. Why is its rotation weird now?

33: Why is it rotating north to south now?

34: Amy wonders why the river water is moving so fast without becoming white rapids?

35: Amy holds her breath way too long to be believable.

36: The sudden cold water nearly makes Amy stop holding her breath but doesn’t.

37: Sonic is credited for having saved Froggy from Chaos, when Big did that.

38: Sonic was holding a Crystal Ring, not wearing it.

39: Knuckles has to reassure Tails that he’s not gonna hurt him, and Tails whimpers, “ You promise? “

40: Instead of Knuckles simply saying to Tails, “ I’m your friend! “ he just says that Tails can take him.

41: If Tikal can show up to Knuckles whenever, why isn’t she with him way more often?

42: How psychic is she to know exactly when and where to warp to Knuckles? Why is she like that?

43: After the heroes were knocked out by sleeping gas, Sonic was first to wake up. Amy was last. That gas would logically affect the smallest ones the most because of their weight. Tails would be the last to wake up, if at ALL!

44: In fact the amount of gas needed to knock out Big would kill the rest of them.

45: Why doesn’t Tikal here teleport the robot Sonics to their deaths, teleport to get all the Time Stones, and teleport the heroes out of Eggman’s clutches? She could warp the robots apart instantly! Considering how easily Metal Sonic was defeated, she might as well have done that.

46: Knuckles tells Tikal to leave him and Big to fight Silver Sonic instead of telling Tikal to use teleportation against it. And Tikal doesn’t think to do that herself. No one thinks of this!

47: Why hadn’t Tikal warped the chao to safety? Instead they were all crushed when Little Planet crashed into the island.

48: Instead of Sonic just spindashing at Metal Sonic repeatedly, he plays tag with him. That was dumb of him.

49: Metal has all the Time Stones, but I don’t notice a difference. Why doesn’t he freeze anyone in time with them?

50: Metal does nothing while the heroes talk about how to beat him. How polite. He does nothing the whole time Knuckles is charging up his fist. He wouldn’t have been defeated like that.

51: Even though the narration says Amy could erase Eggman from history by time travelling with the Time Stone, it insists that to do that could somehow make things worse, as history was already laid out. Seriously, she would’ve erased Eggman from time, especially after all of this just happened, Sonic just died in front of her! Nearly all of her friends did! She would’ve done much more than just made sure Eggman would never bother Little Planet again!