Continuity Errors: Every Way Archie Sonic Reboot Contradicted the Preboot’s Canon:

  Archie Sonic Contradictions: 5.

1: In the reboot, we’re told by Orbot that Eggman flew his Eggmobile into a portal of white light when he didn’t, he and Sonic stood there in Worlds Collide and the white light expanded towards them and they closed their eyes. So this isn’t even referencing a version of Worlds Collide we know.

2: In a flashback panel where we see King Acorn from Archie Sonic and the reboot’s past, it showed the “ Archie Sonic “ King Acorn looking wrong, as he doesn’t have white facial hair. It’s like he still looks like the redesigned King Acorn. No way that’s the Prime Zone king.

3: Now this might be more my vague memory of Flynn’s preboot writing, or probably Blaze just not being nearly clear enough with her dialogue in the preboot. In Archie, we were told that Blaze’s world would eventually die because the Sol Emeralds weren’t on its planet. Suddenly after the reboot, Blaze is still worried about this even though she’s found all the Sol Emeralds by now and so they’re all together on this planet, because the last Sol Emerald she needs to find, after searching “ this world and others “ is ON her world, so why does she still think it’ll be destroyed from the first issue of her arc just because it’s not with her? In the reboot, she’s talking as if the world would be destroyed if she didn’t personally retrieve the Sol Emerald even though it’s back on her planet. Now all of a sudden, it’s like the world’s imminent destruction is going to be the result of the Emerald not being retrieved by her, like it’ll destroy the world from a tantrum at being apart from HER specifically for too long, as opposed to it being about which planet the Emerald is on. Has this always been the rule in the preboot?

 It was never clearly stated that having a few Emeralds on her planet was fine. But if that was the case, Blaze shouldn’t have been worried about her planet being destroyed without the Sol Emerald in Treasure Team Tango then because she could’ve just gotten one Sol Emerald during her adventures and brought it home, and not have to worry about the planet’s destruction for the rest of her Sol Emerald hunting because it’s no longer like none of the Emeralds are on her planet. She would’ve put the Sol Emerald she had with her at the start of Treasure Team Tango back on her world to make sure it wouldn’t be destroyed, keeping it in a safe place. So she would’ve not told Shadow about that potential problem because it wouldn’t matter THAT MUCH that she doesn’t have it yet. Maybe she was just too stupid to think to do that, there’s been a lot of moments like that in Archie.

4: In the reboot, we’re supposed to believe it makes sense that Bunnie took a long time learning how to walk again after she had her limbs replaced with cybernetic ones, even though she already knew how to walk, and if they’re in a world advanced enough to have cybernetics, they would’ve gone past this stupid problem. And Archie clearly established that Bunnie could walk around perfectly fine right after being half-roboticized. Her not being able to move well would make as much sense as some new Robian being unable to move well because they’d take a while to adjust to a new body! You can’t explain this away as the Genesis Wave because how could and why would it alter a rule like this? So that’s another way the two continuities are incompatible.

  What’s worse, real life is already showing cybernetic arms and legs can be built for people that are SO accurate, that they have a sense of touch and people can hold eggs without squeezing them. I’m pretty SURE in an even more futuristic world, Bunnie wouldn’t have a hard time adjusting to new robot limbs, when even in our world, people’s new robot limbs don’t require ANY adjusting. More conservative estimates say that we won’t have true human AI until 2100, so Mobius is like 80 years more advanced than ours.

5: At the start of Worlds Unite, the reason the Zeti can’t just control Sigma immediately is supposed to be that they can’t control his WILL because he’s a free-willed AI. Excuse me, why was the Iron Queen immediately able to control Nicole, a free-willed AI?! They have the same power! They’re both able to control machinery with electromagic. They dedicated an entire arc to showing off how dangerous an electromage is against anything and anyone technology, and then Sigma doesn’t get controlled by 6 ELECTROMAGES at once. Sheesh, you’d think they’d all combine their power against him and, not to mention they had armor that enhanced their power at that point. Not only could they combine their power to control something that’d be six times harder to control than a regular robot, but they were literally at their most powerful at that point!

6: Wily says that he used the processor for the Quick Man robot to handle the roboticized Sonic. But, he didn’t need to do that. Eggman roboticized Sonic in Issue 39 just fine without needing to borrow another robot’s processor. And yet Eggman doesn’t tell Wily this.

7: Somehow reality is too messed up for Chaos Control from SUPER FORMS to work anymore to fix it even though that wasn’t the case in Worlds Collide where the Super Genesis Wave was activating, and therefore also kinda messing up reality. If he can recreate all of reality with Chaos Control, he can close a bunch of goddamn portals. Silver can close portals WITHOUT a Super form, in his arc.

So is the reboot even canon anymore to the preboot? Because with THESE errors, it’s probably just a DIFFERENT UNIVERSE. If you ignore all this and pretend the reboot is still the Prime universe, it could be possible that after the reboot’s final story, Eggman reverted the world back to where the preboot left off with the Genesis Wave, because come on, he could make it again. So the reboot could still be canon, it just doesn’t have to be a PERMANENT DESTRUCTION of what came before it. Archie Sonic Online could always confirm that, saying that the reboot is a prequel to its preboot issues.